Monday, January 31, 2011

A plea to be heard

A  plea to be heard

I am a Muslim
Do you  hear my name
Do you dismiss me
Accuse me of insane
I am a Muslim
I call on the same god
Will you hear me
Or simply dismiss  mad

I am not terrorist
Why must I that defend
I follow path of peace
Until its fruitful end

In prayers I bow my head
Why do you me disgrace
My faith its followed
By every color race

My lady folks they cover
To me true modesty
Are they not free to do so
Not repressed nor travesty

I pray  five times a day
Remember God sincere
Why is it to so many
So odd so strange he's dear

In many ways I’m like you
I have family so dear
I wish for peace on earth
Of me should be no fear

Why can we not sit down
Create a discourse
Perhaps you’ll understand me
A peace lover of course

My true dignity
I am a slave of god
Only seek his pleasure
 Please accept this dear true god

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

final part propher Joseph Yusuf AS

in the name of God

the  brother returned to Egypt a third time.
again they went before Joseph, and asked for food for their families despite their low funds and resources

Joseph asked them a question.
 "what did you do with your brother joseph wjen you were ignorant?"
they were shocked. How did this man know?They then asked and said are you Yusuf

he admitted to his identity and said that his brother benjamin was with him

the brothers now remorseful at how they treated the 2 younger ones, Benjamin and Joseph , said by god we were truly wrong, and asked forgiveness

he forgave and said thast the matter was past.  he gave his shirt and asked that it be placed on jacob's face , so that his sight is returned.  he asked his brothers to bring their family to Egypt.

Poor old jacob, still lamenting, made a statement that he could smell joseph.
His detractors called him a senile old man and accused him of returning to a pitiful state.
the messenger came and used te shirt. The vision was returned.

he then forgave his sons  and told them i knew what you knew not

They all went to Egypt together

There all bowed in prostration to Yusuf.

he exclaimed to his father."This is the realizatin of that old dream i had.

The End

i hope and pray my humble effort herein will be accepted
i beg forgiveness for any error or ommission.
if any reader would kindly give feedback,l i would greatly appreciate that

i also hope which is why i wrote this entire blog that more people will realize that we all  worship the same God, one in the same.
we call him different names.. but one he is

perhaps if we learn that small lesson, we will stop hating our neighbors and communicate more.

i wish all readers Peace and Blessings

Rami Nazzal Adam

Prophet Joseph part 2

In the name of god

So he entered prison rather than falling into adultery with the women folk.  Two others were imprisoned with him concurrently. They had strange dreams.

One dreamt that he was giving wine to his master, and the other dreamt that he carried bread on his head. Birds ate the bread.  They asked Joseph for an interpretation.

He preached to them about the oneness of God for a short while and explained that the explanation would arrive before their next meal

In his explanation ,he stated that one would be freed and serve wine to his master.  The other would be crucified and the birds would eat from his head.  He didn't specify which was which to not upset them. Both prophesies materialized subsequently.    Joseph told the one he thought would be freed to bring the story of his wrongful imprisonment to his master.  He forgot so joseph stayed in prison several years. 

the king then had a dream where he saw 7 dry and 7 green ears of corn. he also saw 7 fat cows consumed by seven thin ones. He asked his cabinet for an explanation, and none could. the freed prisoner then remembered Joseph and went to him. he related the dream of the king to Joseph, and  joseph interpreted thus.

there will be seven years of drought following 7 years of fruitful harvest, so save of what you reap for the difficult years to follow.

the king immediately sent for Joseph.  joseph AS asked before leaving prison,. what happened to the women who cut their hands.  Zulaikha was called and admitted that she was the seducer and joseph was innocent.  In fact the same zulaikha became wife to joseph as her husband had passed on. 

Joseph was thus released from prison and appointed as a minister.  A great reward he received for his patience and piety.

Well the drought did happen.  10 men then came to Egypt to ask for food for their families.  Joseh knew them to be his brothers but they did not recognize him.  He gave them 10 camel loads of grain and told them to bring their brother next time, else they would receive nothing further. This younger brother was benjamin.  he also instructed his servants to return the monies payed to him to their saddle bags so they would only find it after they return home.

They came home to their father and asked for benjamin's accompaniment to gain more foodstuff. Jacob said 'how can  trust you with benjamin when you failed my trust with Joseph".  They gave an oath that they would protect him . their father asked them to enter from many doors so as not to arouse jealousy.

So the kind father relented.  they ytravelled with benjamin.

  Joseph immediately told benjmin when they were reunited that he was in fact his brother. do not grieve at what they have done to you.  He then instructed  his servants to place the kings golden cup in benjamin's bag. the reason why will become clear.

At their intended departure, someone announced that the kings cup was stolen and the brothers were thieves.  they demanded to know what was missing and protested their innocense.  joseph asked them how shall i punish the thief at which the brothers said imprisonment.  he searched their bags and benjamins bag was searched last.  the cup was found. Joseph pretended that Benjamin was the thief.

the non redemptive brothers said that benjamin had a brother also a theief without realizing they were speaking to Joseph.
the brothers asked for one of them to be taken prisoner instead as acob could not take vthe grief of losing another son. joseph refused thus protectng benjamin. Another third brother exclaimed he would not leave Egypt till he could fulfil his vow to protect benjamin. he asked his 9 broters to go home and tell jacob that unforseeable circumstances led to benamns detention

On returning to jacob their father, the nine brters explained the theft. incident. Again poor old Jacob wept and said that patience was a beautiful mantle.  "This is surely a story you have invented as he said about Joseph before.  he went blind from grief and lamented three lost sons.

jacob asked his sons to return to Egypt and look for Joseph.

to be continued

The prophet Joseph AS in Islam

In the name of God

Most of my nonmuslim colleguues and frends don't realize all the commanalities between Islam Christianity and Judaism.   I thought I might present a short story about Joseph AS  to illuminate some, and remind others.
, especially my own self.

Firstly, a short explanation. The AS  in Arabic stands for (On him be peace) . This indicates that he is revered as a chaste servant of God, and a prophet inspired.

He was eleventh son of the prophet Jacob AS, grandson to Isaac AS, and great grandson to Abraham AS.   He was most loved by his father and that caused great jealousy among his 10 older brothers. 

He had a dream that eleven stars the sun and the moon bowed to him. His father warned him not to share this dream with his brothers ,as it would incite jealousy.

These brothers decided to kil him in order to regain their fathers favour. They recogzed that Jacob favored  Joseph.  To them, that was ridiculous as they were themajority.One brother said "do not shed blood, throw him in a well instead"

They ,thus requested of their father to allow them to take Joseph along to play, while they sheparded their flocks.  The old Jacob said that  it saddened him to part with Joseph ,and he feared the wolf might eat him if he was left unattended.  The brothers protested that they were capable of his care, and they were strong.and Jacob finally relented and allowed them to take Joseph along. 

They abused poor young Joseph greatly and cast hm into a well.  They took his shirt and stained it with animal blood to prove their intended forthcoming lie.  In the evening they returned to Jacob weeping and used his very own words against him. Father, we were racing and playing ,and the wolf ate Joseph.  Here is his bloodied shirt to prove it.  Teary eyed Jacob exclaimed that patience was his only option.

In a tafsir (explanation) Jacob commented that it must have been a very merciful wolf to kill his son, but not rip his shirt.  Poor young Joseph remained in the well for a few days.

Then a caravan came and sought water from the same well.  Joseph latched on to the pail and was rescued from the well.  They found this gorgeously handsome youth and carried him as freight to Egypt where he was sold for a paltry sum to an Egyptian.  This Egyyptian man told his wife to treat Joseph as a son . Thus he was established in Egypt.  He grew to be a strikingly handsome young man.

The wife of his master , named Zulaikha, took a desire to Joseph and tried to seduce him. Joseph ran away, but the door was locked and his shirt was ripped in the back.  At this juncture , Zulaikha's husband appeared. She connivingly changed the story into "Joseph atatcked me". A witness from Zulaikha's family said that the proof was in the shirt.  If it was ripped in front, Joseph was indeed the attacker. If it was ripped in the rear, it was Zulakha. With the shirt ripped n the back, Joseph's innocence was proven, and Zulaikha was subsequently reprimanded.

The women of the city started gossiping about Zulaikha  and her behavior towards Joseph.  She heard of this and invited the women to her home.  She passed each of them a piece of fruit and a sharp knife.  Thereafeter, she called Josph to come out.  The ladies were so dazzled by his apprearance that while they tried to cut the fruit, they cut their hands instead. They exclaimed that he was no less than an angel.  Zulaikha thus proved that she wasn't blamesworthy for her actions.

    The women tried to seduce him togerther. Joseph called on god to protect him, and thus he entered prison, which for him was much more prefarable to adultery. They threatened that if he didn't abide to their lust, they would have him imprisoned.

 Two other men entered prison with him and had strange dreams.  They asked joseph to explain the dream.

 to be continued.

Monday, January 24, 2011

economics and the science of greed

I was having a very short but intellectual discussion with a colleague, Ong.
I was really thrilled to learn that he taught Economics, a subject I have been teaching for some 17 years.
so I quickly honed down to a common topic and asked if he was a Keynesian.  He repied that he was more into Classical Economics from the micro side.  I shared with him our mutual loss that both Galbraith and Friedman had passed away in the last decade.
I asked if he thought Keynesian policies were effective.  I even cited as proof that WW2 ended the Great depression. All that military spending made the world economy rise out of the doldrums, and led to 2 economic giants, Japan and Germany.  Stll I am a critic as well, as huge national debts can lead to havoc. Canada , my beloved 2nd home, is a good example
The debt had us losing the quality of our health and education.

That was when he made the point about greed.
How much is enough. Why do we hoard a commodity like money. We both agreed it doesnt bring happiness, on the contrary misery.
There comes a point I suppose where marginal utility goes to zero.How many cars condos and countryclubs are desirable
I added that in the search for wealth, I had lost a golden opportunity to tutor my children. What a travesty for a 25 year experienced teacher.Talk about opportunity cost
What resources we have are on the verge of extinction, be they clean air ,clean water, or even innocent fun.  This equation has to lead to some disaster soon, not 2012, but perhaps mass starvatin and water wars. At what cost.  Perhaps the only benefit to some "elitists" is a larger bank balance.  What do we inherit in the end; Dust?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday sermon and cellular phones

I am always happy to reach another Friday in good health.
Still, one or two small ideas to share.
During Friday sermons, some people use their cellular phones and refuse to turn them off
Others, young and old alike, chat with friends.
 To my knowledge, during the sermon, we are enjoined to remain silent and pay attention.  The sermon counts for 2 Rukaa of solat and thats why we only pray 2 for zuhr on friday Jumaa, and not the usual 4.  We cant talk in prayer so we cant talk during Khutbah(sermom)
Others  feel the only the prayer is mandatory and skip or disregard the sermon.
Someone please correct me if I am, wrong.  This is just a remainder for all, especially myself.
May peace and Salams be upon all..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


sitting here with fever high
sore eyes hoarse throat hot head
praying oh so hard relief
face illness with such dread

but happy days are yet to come
the promise sins erased
my patience it grows stronger
only yet started that race

temptation to cry or scream
for me a waste of time
shall i grow in piety?
grow closer to the sublime

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Poem on Palestine


putting on this headdress
brings thoughts flooding in
the feeling of cold death
deepest pain within

the people ive seen scattered
their lives small dreams now shattered
surely death their end
their bitter foe, their friend

have you ever heard a widows cries
and seen  orphams  so weak
searching for a vital home
a quiet place to sleep

alas of war weve had enough
and I  so weak mere complain
when will we say enough's senough
remove the hate, disdain

we the people all the same
in mirrors see my face
have not we all  too many dead
thats the real disgrace

i will not this dream eschew
you see its in my blood
oh you do you deserve the same
the peace, the love the hubb*

*hubb is love in arabic language


whatever possessed you
to love one as me
in that theres no sense
no logic to see

what strange thing fantastic
caused you take hold
i'm just plain old me
not special nor bold

and yet so grateful
to love one as you
a dear to share with
my troubles seem few


the door is always open
my porch light you'll find on
you can come and visit
don't have to stay too long

don't have to give me half your life
i'll only ask a smile
just to have you say hello
and sit with me a while

the door is always open
my patience wearing thin
intentions pure and clean of heart
not evil ,dark nor grim

my days ive seen so many
alas a fool i've been
perhaps I seek redeem myself
how can I begin

in life ive known  so many
true friends alas so few
my struggle sweat and tears
perhaps begin anew

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am very saddened by people who commit heinous acts of terrorism and murder and claim that it is in the name of Islam or Allah.
Islam is a religion of peace.
Those who truly understand the religion will know that it says, if you kill one, it is as if you killed mankind.
Islam doesnt allow the killing of animals, much less humans.
Islam allows self defense, and self protection at the face of an enemy who attacks you.  A muslim should never instigate violence. Islam means peace.
When the prophet occupied Mecca, he ordered that trees not be cut down,  women and children not be hurt, and people in the fields not be hurt. He pardoned nearly all.  This for me is the true spirit of Islam, not bombings and beheadings.  Please wake up world and hear the truth.. May  peace be upon all.