I was having a very short but intellectual discussion with a colleague, Ong.
I was really thrilled to learn that he taught Economics, a subject I have been teaching for some 17 years.
so I quickly honed down to a common topic and asked if he was a Keynesian. He repied that he was more into Classical Economics from the micro side. I shared with him our mutual loss that both Galbraith and Friedman had passed away in the last decade.
I asked if he thought Keynesian policies were effective. I even cited as proof that WW2 ended the Great depression. All that military spending made the world economy rise out of the doldrums, and led to 2 economic giants, Japan and Germany. Stll I am a critic as well, as huge national debts can lead to havoc. Canada , my beloved 2nd home, is a good example
The debt had us losing the quality of our health and education.
That was when he made the point about greed.
How much is enough. Why do we hoard a commodity like money. We both agreed it doesnt bring happiness, on the contrary misery.
There comes a point I suppose where marginal utility goes to zero.How many cars condos and countryclubs are desirable
I added that in the search for wealth, I had lost a golden opportunity to tutor my children. What a travesty for a 25 year experienced teacher.Talk about opportunity cost
What resources we have are on the verge of extinction, be they clean air ,clean water, or even innocent fun. This equation has to lead to some disaster soon, not 2012, but perhaps mass starvatin and water wars. At what cost. Perhaps the only benefit to some "elitists" is a larger bank balance. What do we inherit in the end; Dust?
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