Wednesday, January 26, 2011

final part propher Joseph Yusuf AS

in the name of God

the  brother returned to Egypt a third time.
again they went before Joseph, and asked for food for their families despite their low funds and resources

Joseph asked them a question.
 "what did you do with your brother joseph wjen you were ignorant?"
they were shocked. How did this man know?They then asked and said are you Yusuf

he admitted to his identity and said that his brother benjamin was with him

the brothers now remorseful at how they treated the 2 younger ones, Benjamin and Joseph , said by god we were truly wrong, and asked forgiveness

he forgave and said thast the matter was past.  he gave his shirt and asked that it be placed on jacob's face , so that his sight is returned.  he asked his brothers to bring their family to Egypt.

Poor old jacob, still lamenting, made a statement that he could smell joseph.
His detractors called him a senile old man and accused him of returning to a pitiful state.
the messenger came and used te shirt. The vision was returned.

he then forgave his sons  and told them i knew what you knew not

They all went to Egypt together

There all bowed in prostration to Yusuf.

he exclaimed to his father."This is the realizatin of that old dream i had.

The End

i hope and pray my humble effort herein will be accepted
i beg forgiveness for any error or ommission.
if any reader would kindly give feedback,l i would greatly appreciate that

i also hope which is why i wrote this entire blog that more people will realize that we all  worship the same God, one in the same.
we call him different names.. but one he is

perhaps if we learn that small lesson, we will stop hating our neighbors and communicate more.

i wish all readers Peace and Blessings

Rami Nazzal Adam

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